Let's start off by clearing up a few misconceptions about the doodles and their coats !


What is a doodle?


Doodle is a type or group of dogs that have been created through the selective crossing of two or more purebred breeds that include at least some poodle.  Examples of other types of dogs are retrievers eg. Golden retriever , hounds eg. Beagle , Terriers eg.  Yorkshire terrier  etc .


Doodle types include Goldendoodle , Labradoodle , Bernedoodle , and more . Doodles are considered a mixed breed or hybrid dog. 


Do doodles shed ?


YES some do shed however they are considered low shedding like the poodle. Some do shed more then others though they won't shed like a golden retriever or Bernese mountain dog , you may find some hair here and there. Doddles who are fully furnished will shed less then those who are lightly furnished and the more curly the coat the less likely you will be to find hair on your clothes or furniture. Unfortunately it can be difficult to see who will be more curly and who will be straighter coated but pairing two low shedding dogs together will produce all lower shedding puppies. Our parent dogs are all low to "no shedding", so you can expect low to "no shedding". No shedding means that 95% of the hair that is shed will become stuck in the dogs coat and come out only during brushing/grooming and you won't likely see any around your home.


​Are doodles hypoallergenic ?


Yes BUT hypoallergenic does not mean there is no chance of allergic reaction. It means there is a lower chance of reaction due to the coat being hair and not fur as well as the type and amount of dander shed by these dogs. If you have dog allergies it is best to meet the parents and or as many dogs of your chosen doodle type as you can before deciding if you may react or not. This is the same across all hypoallergenic breeds from purebred poodle to Yorkshire terrier.


Should you wait until after 6 months of age to cut/shave your doodle?


NO!! Waiting to see the groomer until 6 months + can cause all sorts of issues from coat trouble to behavior issues during grooming.  You absolutely can not change or damage the dogs coat with proper grooming started at any age. In fact by the time our puppies go home they have been mini groomed at least twice to help prepare for them for your groomer. This is just one of those myths that is fueled by the normal process of coat change over that begins around 4-6 months of age and continues to 18+ months until all the puppy coat is gone and the adult coat is all that is there. 


We require our buyers to schedule their first grooming appointment prior to picking up their puppy to ensure they get started nice and early to help reinforce good grooming etiquette and to help ensure your puppy learns everything they need to know about not fearing grooming right from the start avoiding any behavior issues. 


Necessary tools for all furnished doodle owners . (furnishings are the long beard , eyebrows and facial hair)


Chris Christianson Big K or Big G Coral slicker brush. You'll want the medium size for dogs under 65 lbs and you can purchase these at the link below.  I absolutely recommend spending the money on this brush. When used correctly these really are worth their price tag! 



​Alternatively you can purchase this cheaper slicker brush but beware it may not hold up as long as the CC above and isn't quite as good. https://www.amazon.ca/Artero-Universal-Slicker-Plastic-Handle/dp/B07F19GCSW


You'll also need a greyhound style comb like this.  https://www.amazon.ca/Sweetsweet-Grooming-Deshedding-Tapered-Stainless/dp/B07WR9CTBL/ref=sr_1_10?keywords=greyhound+comb&qid=1651198991&sr=8-10


You may also want to purchase a high velocity pet hair dryer! If you need to bath your pup between grooming appointments you'll want to fully dry the coat to prevent matting and smelly hair. Using a human hair dryer will take 4 times as long to dry! I recommend this one https://www.amazon.ca/SHELANDY-Stepless-Adjustable-Grooming-Blower/dp/B06WLQPJ58/ref=sr_1_11?crid=CJH2KMJCCOFI&keywords=shelandy+pet+dryer&qid=1651199393&sprefix=shelandy+%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-11


Brushing spray and or detangling/De matting spray . Brushing spray is used to keep the hair from being damaged during brushing. Brushing dry hair results in breakage and makes the hair look and feel frizzy course and is easier to mat . 



detangler/de matter spray



Ultra de matter



So how often should you brush?


This can very a lot between different dogs and especially depending on how long you want to keep the hair! Keeping the hair long will require daily or almost daily brushing!  While a puppy (under 6-9 months)  may not need to be brushed very often at all ( like once a week or so) but once coat change begins your pup will start getting tangles more easily and require much more brushing! You'll want to be sure your pup is prepared for this by ensuring you brush at least a few times a week even if not needed or you're pup may grow up not accepting brushing. Once your pup begins coat change around 6 or so months old you will probably want to consider having your groomer take the coat short because they tend to begin matting easily during coat change as puppy coat sheds out and adult coat grows in.  If you decide not to go short during this time you may need to brush almost daily to keep the hair from tangling and then matting. Once coat change is complete (between 12 and 18 months of age) I recommend brushing your adult doodle at least 3 times a week though some may need to be done more often. If you notice tangles or mats you will know you need to brush more often. 


It is very important to brush your dog properly using a technique called line brushing (video explanation coming soon) to make sure you brush right down to the skin and don't miss any parts of the coat . If you don't brush well enough often enough your dog will get matted hair which is very painful . As the tight hair pulls on the dogs skin it can cause bruising and hematomas . The groomer will have to shave your dog bald in order to relieve the dog of this pain if it is sever matting.  Minor matting can sometimes be spot shaved.


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